Assistant Spokesperson and Information Officer
The specific functions of the MOF are:
- Analysis of the economic condition, formulation, implementation and monitoring of the economic and fiscal policy;
- Allocation of fiscal resources, projection of national investment and fiscal management;
- Macroeconomic stability, formulation, implementation and monitoring of price stability related policy;
- Formulation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and regulation of policy related to development assistance;
- Operation and regulation of Central Bank, Monetary Policy;
- Formulation, coordination and regulation of policy, rules related to bank and financial institutions;
- Foreign currency exchange and control;
- Economic and social development, connection and coordination with bilateral and multilateral institutions related to currency and banking;
- International treaty and agreements and their implementation related to loan, grant and other bilateral and multilateral assistances;
- Operation of Federal Appropriation Fund or Federal Government Fund, estimation of revenue and expenditure, Appropriation Act, supplementary estimates, outstanding expenses, borrowing expenses, contingency fund and other government funds;
- Formulation, implementation and regulation of budget
- Government bail;
- Formulation of policy, rules, and regulation of external and internal loan and grants of Federal, State and Local level;
- Subjects related to services, facilities and financial obligations such as salary, allowances, gratuity, pension;
- Policy, rules and standards related to facilities provided to Federal, State and local levels’ public officials;
- Record keeping of government’s dues/arrears and their recovery;
- Implementation, regulation and projection of revenue and its policy, rules, standards, plans;
- Operation and strengthening of revenue administration;
- Implementation and regulation of policy, rules related to public expenditures;
- Implementation and regulation of policy, rules and standards of economic procedures;
- Pricing policy;
- Accounting and Audit System;
- Account management of government investment and dividends
- Implementation, coordination and regulation of policy related to fiscal transfer between Federal, State and Local levels;
- Federal appropriation, revenue, divisible fund, guarantee, operation fund and other government fund and assets;
- Target setting, administration, collection and allocation of revenue such as Customs, Excise Duty, Value added tax, Income tax, Passport fees, Visa fees, Tourism fees and other tax and non-tax fees and charges;
- Coordination, implementation and regulation of bilateral, regional and multilateral treaty and agreements;
- Information sharing and record management of revenue related statistics;
- Implementation and regulation of policy, rules and standards related to securities and commodity market;
- Policy, rules, standards and its regulation related to insurance;
- Implementation of policy, rules and standards of utilization of revenue and natural resources and its benefit sharing between Federal, State and Local levels;
- Controlling revenue leakage;
- Office of the Auditor General;
- National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission;
- Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund;
- Regulation, control and coordination of government owned enterprises and policy formulation related to salary, allowances, bonus, investment and dividends;
- Training, study and research related to revenue and financial administration;
- Employee Provident Fund;
- Citizen Investment Fund;
- Retirement Fund;
- Implementation, regulation and monitoring of policy, rules and standards related to government enterprises and their privatization;
- Operation and regulation of government enterprises, authority, committee, foundation, company;
- Operation of Nepal’s Audit Service;
Last Updated : 2021-04-09